Digital Business Language For Growing Companies
Want to pursue a new customer but can’t because you don’t currently have an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) solution? Would you like to find a way to reduce costs associated with entering orders, sending invoices or shipping notifications? How could you conduct more business electronically with your suppliers and key customers? How can digital commerce help you win vs your competition?
For integraSoft customers that handle numerous transactions, using EDI can save you money, improve your company’s speed, accuracy and efficiency, and help you make more informed strategic business decisions. Exchanging documents electronically improves transaction speed and visibility while decreasing the amount of money you spend on manual processes.
integraSoft provides a complete electronic data interchange solution that integrates directly with your existing integraSoft products. integraEDI is an innovative complete solution that lets you get started with an affordable price point through an annual managed service subscription you can scale up or down based on your business needs. No additional third party products to license, learn or operate.

Once setup, just sit back and let digital commerce happen.
integraEDI includes the following services that can be purchased based on the number of EDI documents, mappings or trading partner agreements needed:
- integraERP EDI administrator provides interface to integraERP (iWeb, integraSoft)
- Creation or customization of maps per trading partner. (Examples of EDI mapping: 850 purchase order, 855 PO acknowledgement, 856 advance ship notification)
- EDI service management. Configure trading partners. Receive/send/acknowledge/translate EDI documents between you and integraERP and your trading patterns (without a value added network – VAN).

Save Money
Expenses associated with paper, printing, reproduction, storage, filing, postage and document retrieval are all reduced or eliminated outright when you make the switch to EDI transactions, lowering your transaction costs. Errors due to illegible faxes, lost orders or incorrectly taken phone orders are eliminated, saving your staff valuable time otherwise spent handling data disputes.
Speed, Accuracy, & Efficiency
EDI can speed up your business cycles by exchanging transactions in minutes instead of the days or weeks of wait time from the postal service. EDI gives you the ability to mprove data quality, eliminate errors from illegible handwriting, lost faxe/mail and keying and re-keying errors. Using EDI can reduce the order-to-cash cycle time, improving business partner transactions and relationships. Automating the exchange of data between applications across a supply chain can ensure that business-critical data is sent on time and can be tracked in real time. Sellers benefit from improved cash flow and reduced order-to-cash cycles. Shortening the order processing and delivery times means that organizations can reduce inventory levels.
Strategic Business Decisions
EDI enables real-time visibility into transaction status. This, in turn, enables faster decision-making and improved responsiveness to changing customer and market demands, and allows businesses to adopt a demand-driven business model rather than a supply-driven one. integraSoft EDI solutions shorten the lead times for product enhancements and new product delivery and streamline your ability to enter new territories and markets. EDI is a common business language that facilitates business partner on-boarding anywhere in the world.